Friday, June 12, 2015

From Spokane to Chicago

I kind of still can't believe what I am about to write, but since my last entry we haved moved to Chicago! And Michael started a new job! Which, seriously, I have never experienced this much wife pride until watching him take on this new responsibility AND a new city, and thrive in both.

So far we are all loving it here. Michael started work a few days after we arrived and he's gotten to see so much of the city every day, because he is visiting the company's various locations throughout the work day. I spent the first week exploring our neighborhood and getting a feel for grocery shopping and other necessary errands A and I will be taking. This week we've mostly hung around the apartment so that Atticus could establish a more consistent napping schedule. When I found out we were moving I kind of threw all hopes of a schedule out the window until after we moved, but by the end of the move I could see that taking a few days to establish A's schedule at the beginning would have saved him confusion (and me headache) at the end. Oh well, next time, right?

One thing that I've been really grateful about our area at least is that everyone is usually really happy to see a baby. It's not that I have someone to open the door for me every time, but as I'm struggling through the door nobody is giving me dirty looks for taking up so much space with my stroller as I thought they would. I just try to keep in mind as we explore that the city is not made for strollers, and it may mean we have to go to a different L stop or find a different restaurant if there's no room, but it hasn't been an issue. I think though that preparing myself to be flexible and ask for help has saved me a lot of stress as we explore.

I'm excited to share pics of our apartment and new experiences in the coming weeks. Thanks for following along with our new adventure!

Many thanks to the Gullas for all the help!

Loving Bowtruss coffee! 
Already tapping in to nearby family. Thanks for coming so we could finish unpacking!

Nursing A - never appreciated sidewalk benches until now!

Loved visiting Lincoln Park
Such. Good. Light. And clean laundry. :)

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