Saturday, June 13, 2015

Family Day

This is the first weekend living here that we're not unpacking and Michael's not working. Hooray! We spent a few hours downtown today, I got to see Michael's office and another Bowtruss location. I still can't believe that we get to call this city home and that Michael gets to work in the heart of it. Sometimes I'm not content with the fact that we don't live closer to the hustle and bustle of downtown, but then I'm like, Katelyn, you live in Chicago at all. Be grateful. 

And I am. :)

Ok, I just think the shape of his head is adorable. Also, they love each other. 
I loved getting to see his work space!
A few of the views from his office... Seriously. Is this real life.
Then we just wandered around, got some chick-fil-a, and got a taste of the magnificent mile at forever21. 😳 I must be getting way old but I'd much prefer shopping online in the comfort of my pjs and bed, thank you.
I've wanted to live in the city for pretty much my whole life, but being here with M and A makes the experience is so much richer than I ever imagined. ❤️

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