Monday, May 13, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

And it feels so good!  This past month has brought a whole new level of chaos to our schedules, but the warming weather and God's love and grace in our marriage makes every day a blessing - no matter how tired, messy, and stressed we feel.

Michael is now working at an adorable ice cream/panini/coffee shop called The Scoop.  He is the driver of the 1965 vintage van that parks at various events and locations and offers people the best ice cream they've ever had.  People get really happy when they see him driving by (seriously, children smiling and waving everywhere).  Sometimes I get work events with him!  Weekends are fun when they include a few hours in a mint green truck scooping ice cream with my love. Last weekend we walked downtown to scoop at Bloomsday. 

We also went to the school's Spring Formal a few weekends ago.  I love it anytime there's a reason for Michael to whip out that Banana Republic suit.  These are the only pictures we got of the evening.  I'm really okay with that.

Oh yeah, Michael now has a beard and a slightly hipster haircut.  The Northwest looks good on him.

Happy Spring!
