Monday, April 6, 2015

Our A

I'm kind of in disbelief of how up and down these parenting days can be.  I've really tried to not equate my happiness with the success of a day in how well he's eating and sleeping, but man, that's hard! I just try to keep reminding myself that these days are all about him and I learning each other, and each day we are doing just that. This morning he woke up with gas pains and as I held him in bed trying to get him back to sleep, I just tried to take a mental note of all the things that make him our Atticus-

His giant hands
The long stares (into your soul, it seems like)
How he grunts and snorts as he wakes up
His perfect frown
How much his eyes light up when he sees his papa
The way he covers his face while eating
His fuzzy hair that's blonde on top and dark in the back (we'll see which one wins out in the end) :)

It's moments like those when I feel really privileged that I get to spend my days with this tiny (but kind of huge) human being.

It also kind of blows my mind that he is the person that I spend the most time with right now.  I told Michael that sometimes I look at A when we're hanging out and just think "you're my bff." Haha... but seriously, am I going crazy? ;)

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