Monday, October 5, 2015

Why I (Possibly) Hate Blogging

Ever since we started this blog, I’ve really only ever cringed when I think about it.  It never looks quite the way I want it to, never reads quite right to me, it often seems a little narcissistic, and I feel like Michael and I are completely different people than when we first started it about 3 years ago.  Then there’s also the fact that it’s journaling publicly… and while I love journaling, it makes me nervous to walk the line between authenticity and sharing too much.  I never want to know more of people (or people to know more of me) from the internet than I would know them face to face.  

Speaking of, I also just get awkward about bridging the gap between social media and real life with people.  And since we’ve moved to a new city, we’ve met a lot of people, which has resurfaced this topic in my mind.  There’s the Michael and Katelyn that people meet at work or church, and then there’s also our social media selves, and it’s just had me thinking about why I post what I do and whether or not it is an accurate representation of our lives and true selves.  I haven’t quite resolved whether or not it all feels phony to me, and if so, what to do about it.

And then I get a little annoyed that I’m even spending time and brain space THINKING ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA. (As Michael observed recently, I have thoughts about my thoughts and feelings about my feelings, haha.) But I am seeing more and more how people do really connect through the interwebs and form real life friendships.

There’s also the fact that I love reading blogs.  You find others with similar outlooks and realize you’re not the one.  You also find those who challenge your outlook, and then those who just downright inspire you in ways that change your life. I realized recently that I held onto my dream of living in the city with a family, that maybe it could be possible, because of a blogger.

So, all of that to say, sorry for the pause. I think we’re going to keep this blog up, at least for a bit longer.  If we haven’t called it quits by now then I don’t know that we ever will. ;)

Here are a few photos from the past few weeks (starting with this Sunday and moving backwards). Half of them I stole from Michael's snap chat, which probably goes against all of the social rules of snap chatting, but I'm old so I'll plead ignorance.

Seriously, this kid was made for selfies.

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