Saturday, May 31, 2014

19/52 // The Move

Today Michael and I locked up our second place of dwelling since getting married. That apartment was good to us.  It was a part of our first real taste of adult married life not as students.  It was comfortable, welcoming, and gave us space to grow as individuals and as a couple.  I look back on our year on Grand and realize that this year was really pivotal for Michael and I in figuring out what we want our lives to be, and how to encourage each other in those visions.  We got married understanding that we wanted our lives to be about glorifying God and loving others, and this past year we began to hopefully put together some of the pieces of what that may look like.  

The photo below was taken in the same spot the day we moved into the apartment. 

Tomorrow we hope to give a glimpse into our new place.  We love it.  It's got everything we need and not much more, and so far I love not paying for space that just holds junk!


Sunday, May 18, 2014

18/52 // Spring Formal

Yesterday we went to Moody's Spring Formal for the fifth time.  FIVE FORMALS we have attended.  I don't usually feel like we've been in Spokane that long, but then I count up annual events like this and think of all that has changed between each one. Whew. 

But one thing has not changed: formal means neckties and lipstick.

The photo booth took care of the rest of the pictures for the evening.


Sunday, May 11, 2014


This week kicked off my (Michael) new schedule at The Scoop! This ramped up my hours and synced up our schedules. What a blessing. After a full yet relaxing week, we went out with a couple of friends for a photo shoot. They were kind enough to let us take a little break from their shoot to let us snap a few of our own. We have passed up this location many times on our previous outings, but were glad to finally stop into this new spot.

In other news, we were approved for a new apartment so I'm sure our postings for the next few weeks will be related to the move!


Sunday, May 4, 2014

16/52 // Bloomsday

Bloomsday comes every spring in Spokane.  Honestly, this is the first one I've embraced as an opportunity to get involved in the community - in years prior I've just tried my best to avoid the crowds, traffic, and closed roads. But watching the event today, and cheering a bunch of strangers on as they entered the last mile of the race, was a really neat experience. Michael was always seeing regulars at the Scoop run by - those were some speedy little kids!  It's also more fun for me to watch running events now that my mom and sister run and do triathlons. Maybe one day I'll be as cool as them. :)

A lot of people were willing to throw up a fist pump when they saw the camera. :)
Seriously, these people are inspiring!
We were stationed at the beginning of mile 7 - it was fun to see people regain their motivation when they realized they were in the home stretch!  It also meant that we took a lot of pictures of people with the "Mile 7" sign on their phones as they passed - I'm sure it felt good to put that sign behind them!
This guy was one of my favorites.

Throw in some hot tea & coffee to keep us warm, and it was a great morning.

Well done, runners!  Thanks for bringing the city together.



Here we are, a week late (again). And this week's aren't very exciting... we've both been working outside of and in the home a lot.  It's been amazing.  How does organizing closets really feel SO cleansing?  Michael and I have both been finding that the less stuff we have, the more freedom we feel.  I think it's a combination of a lot of things but I love not having a basement full of things that I consider to be valuable but am not using.  Having extra stuff requires time for upkeep, organizing, and cleaning, and I think each thing also holds a little piece of my heart that just loves having stuff.  But that's all that it is - stuff!  It makes moving that much more of a pain and finding anything even a bigger pain.  We do treasure things that hold special memories for each of us, but we're getting to the place of letting go of our entire high school wardrobes (I know, it's embarrassing...), trinkets, and many "just in case" items. 
Michael won't be driving the truck quite as much this summer but he did want to show off the beginnings of the new paint job!
So happy spring cleaning and organizing to all of you, if that's your thing.

Much love, 
