Thursday, April 24, 2014

14/52 // Easter

Happy (late) Easter, everybody.

So it seems like every time a holiday rolls around, it serves as a huge reminder that we do not live close to family.  We know that family is gathering back home and we see friends with family here getting together to share meals.  In some ways it can be discouraging.  However, I have found that without the assumed family get togethers with each holiday, I have had to think more intentionally about the reason behind the roast dinners.  I've had to analyze why, as Christians, we celebrate Easter.  Why should we be sure to gather with other believers that day instead of stay home watching movies all day?  Why is it necessary to celebrate... is it even necessary to celebrate?  In thinking over these questions, Easter has undoubtedly become my favorite holiday - we can live without fear every day because of Christ's death on the cross and resurrection.  For this year's celebration, we got together with an extended family from church... and it was SUCH a blessing to us.

Before church we got coffee and went to a nearby park... the day was just too beautiful.

And this gem... was taken in front of the trees that are in bloom by church.  The whole way in to church I was trying to get Michael to hurry so we wouldn't be late but then I made us stop by the tree for a picture... I'm pretty sure I will be out of control with photo ops once the kids start coming along.

Much love,


Saturday, April 19, 2014


It has been quite a busy week for the two of us! So much so that I (Michael) have taken over posting this week.  Katelyn took my photo last week and I never got out to take one of her until this morning. Have to say, I love that smile!  My photo is taken in front of Wisconsin Burger - a new burger joint in Spokane that is driving locals mad. These people have needed real cheese curds for too long!


Sunday, April 6, 2014

12/52 // Seattle

So, let's just take a moment to acknowledge how beautiful the state of Washington is. Living on the east side of the state, it sometimes seems like Seattle gets too much credit and is a little overrated. But I assure you, it's not.  There's just so much water... and mountains. Growing up in the midwest I never had much appreciation for anything nature-y or outside (except for the pool, of course), but the nature here has warmed me up to it's emerald self. 

And the food... MMM! Seafood, Thai food, crepes, and fresh fruit.

Michael was photographer extraordinaire this trip (thanks babe!) so we did have a large number of coffee pics. We tried a new place called Storyville (one of their shops is 2 floors above the fruit vendors across the street from Pikes Place... after you buy your fresh flowers, GO GET COFFEE!).

The first time Michael and I went to Seattle with some friends we took the Ferry to Bainbridge Island. The views of the city are magical from the boat!


Saturday, April 5, 2014

11/52 // Leavenworth, WA

  With Michael's parents in town, we were able to take a trip westward, starting with Leavenworth.

We pulled off a few times during the drive over...

Most of what we did in Leavenworth was shop and eat... the weather (and view!!) was perfect.

(that's German Curry and Garlic and Onion Mustard on that brat!)

And then there were a few more stops as we continued west.
