Well, now that tomorrow is February, I figured that it's about time we share some pictures from our wonderful December month! First is when my family came to town... there were so many good things about this weekend amongst a very busy season.
This was an action-packed weekend, so please bear with me in the length of this post!
The first morning that they were here we visited Donut Parade - a central part of mine and Michael's history here in Spokane :)
Then I graduated!! It was so nice having our friends and family there.
The next day we adventured around Spokane - including a visit to the park where Michael and I were engaged
It was so nice to be in the same place as these dear ones for a few days.
To see how Natalie and Jack have turned into little adults
To catch up on movies and other news with my dad
To get to serve my mom in a very small way of how she served me for 18 years
I'm still so grateful that you guys were able to make the trip.
Love and miss you all!